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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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all. rebels are closing in on the as they press song towards the libyan capital after reclaiming several key oil in the east. rebels advance with a lightning speed across eastern libya setting the stage for a final showdown between pro and anti gadhafi forces as. a result of gadhafi is crimes against his own people criticizes the coalition forces for recklessness over civilian casualties. so in the news this week hundreds of thousands of britons marched in london and raised over huge cuts
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protests also gripped the e.u. as many are angry at the storage the cash flows into the bombing. and in japan the operator of the focus. denies reports that radiation levels reached ten million tons the claims made to the immediate evacuation of emergency workers. back at the week's top stories and the latest developments this is live in moscow libyan rebels are advancing west towards the capital tripoli off to further gains in the east of the country and they claim they won back control of several strategic towns from pro gadhafi forces meanwhile nato is ready to replace the u.s. and leading the coalition's campaign where we can now cross tripoli paula snare is there for the libyan rebels have advance westward towards tripoli as we're reporting at the moment bring us up to date on their progress. well throughout most
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of sunday we saw these rebel fighters advancing with almost and lightning speed way swades through eastern libya then on the town of the bin jawad which is about a two hour dry. from the city of sets and the reason why set is important is that this is the hometown of the libyan leader moammar gadhafi is where it is where he has his major supporter base now we know that the rebels along the way encountered very initial resistance this is partly because they were driving through the desert and also because we're hearing that gadhafi forces were treated to set the head of this rebel advancement of the soldiers simply abandoned their military equipment along the sides of the road so the focal point now will be on sirte when those rebels reach said we are expecting that they will be a major showdown between the pro and anti gadhafi forces and this is where the role of the international community becomes so critical because we are hearing the rebel fighters call on the coalition partners to continue with the airstrikes on sirte which they have been doing for several days now and to continue to give them
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a power whether or not the international community decides to go forward with this is one of the decisions we are waiting to hear from the meeting that is currently underway by nato leaders in brussels not the other focal point we've been watching throughout the course of the day is the city of misrata in western libya this is a city that is firmly in the hands of gadhafi is man and it has been for several days now the rebels simply aren't able to take over there and they are today calling on the international community to assist them with more strikes the coalition paula has been enforcing a no fly zone in libya for what over a week now with nato to take control of the mission imminently what do libyan people think about this next move with nato. what of course the libyans who support moammar gadhafi are against any kind of international involvement and they are at port by the fact that these nato members are meeting to discuss the way forward as for the rebel fighters themselves it does send alarm bells because now you will
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have a much broader coalition calling the shots the latest word we have is that the native leaders who are meeting in brussels and who are discussing the way to actually move forward they're essentially looking at taking over the. full leadership of the military operations from the coalition of the british the french and the americans on sunday morning there was a military committee meeting of nato members held and the decision from that meeting was that they would go forward with the overall you to ship they seem to be discussed of that meeting the nuts and bolts the military command who would be in charge and that is what is being put forward to this enlarge the nato meeting so what they're really looking for there is some kind of consensus the significance of this is that what we've seen until now is almost two parallel operations these operations will not be brought together under one umbrella and those parallel operations are on the one hand under the leadership of nato the enforcement of a no fly zone and the enforcement of an arms embargo and under the leadership of the americans we've been seeing the targeting of ground forces including gadhafi
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soldiers and tanks so essentially those will not be bought and one umbrella the sticking point at this meeting by nato members is of course the rules of engagement just how far can be international community go in terms of involving itself in what is happening on the ground and here the questions of civilian casualties making sure that civilians are not injured or killed in any kind of international action is what is being discussed on the table we know that the french are very much against nato taking over control of this whole operation and we know too that turkey would very much see this operation be very limited in terms of its scope it would rather just have the international community's involvement being that of enforcing the no fly zone and nothing more than that the latest news we have though is that the command and control center will not be based in western turkey in the town of izmir we also know now that once this whole operation is enlarged it will not be up to one country to say when where and if and a strike must take place that will non-meat this broad consensus what is important
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though about those nato enlargement and nato taking control of the full military operations here is that it certainly will send a message to the arab world and it will be much. more tasteful for arab countries to be able to come to the party in terms of a mission that is under the need to either ship in one that is and if the american leadership it is a summit that has been planned on tuesday in london the contribution of the arab world will be much more thoroughly discussed in terms of what they bring to the party we're also hearing that the italians are proposing any immediate cease fire and the establishment of humanitarian khaled also that she will be clarified at this meeting on tuesday in london for the thanks very much indeed for that that's our correspondent paula live there in tripoli. where the coalition maintains that colonel gadhafi himself is not a target and promises a quick and decisive campaign and international affairs analyst john laughlin thinks the allies are committed to regime change in libya and won't stop until they
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bring gadhafi down i think gravely mistaken and i think that this escapade will end in catastrophic failure and my fear is that the european leaders and the americans who have pushed this attack on libya think that a quick bit of bombing will sort the matter out but in fact i think they will find that it will last far longer than they have gambled for the british prime minister the french president the american administration these people who are so happy to let bombs fly on countries that almost at the drop of a hat they are determined to get the outcome they want which is the overthrow of colonel gadhafi of libya so it will make the task the disagreements and the the discordant voices that are now coming out of both within western states and also in the arab league these will indeed make it very difficult to continue the war but i'm afraid they won't let go now that they've started. lochlyn there will while american bombs pound libya barack obama says the u.s. should not and cannot intervene every time there is a crisis somewhere in the world even so every american president since ronald
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reagan who also bombed gadhafi has weighed into at least one military conflict christine rozelle has more. it's become an unspoken a dent into the job description. become president of the united states. declare war my fellow americans my fellow citizens for president ronald reagan in one thousand nine hundred eighty six a familiar attack on a familiar enemy despite our repeated warnings khadafi continued his reckless policy of intimidation is relentless pursuit of terror he counted on america to be passive he counted wrong turns out so did saddam hussein just two hours ago allied air forces began an attack on military targets in iraq in kuwait for his successor president clinton the target was slobodan milosevic today our armed forces joined our nato allies in airstrikes against serbian forces responsible for
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the brutality in kosovo president george w. bush said it was weapons of mass destruction that threaten the world and invaded iraq in what was supposed to be a quick and limited campaign on my orders coalition forces have begun striking selective targets some military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war most thought it would end there with president obama running on an anti-war platform he has spent most of his presidency trying to end the wars started by his predecessor until now the u.n. security council passed a strong resolution that demands an end to the violence against citizens. it authorize the use of force in the timeline of recent history there have been some glaring similarities when it comes to the use of force by u.s. president none have been in response to a military attack or even threat of an attack on u.s. soil and none have ever been formally declared war we had to protect thousands of
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innocent people in kosovo from a mounting military offensive we are determined to knock out saddam hussein's nuclear bomb potential we will also destroy his chemical weapons facilities self defense is not only our right it is our duty the definition of duty often changing the result eerily parallel thank you god bless you. god. thank you very much christine for r t russia says the u.n. backed military intervention in libya is a result of colonel gadhafi as crimes against his own people but prison dimitri medvedev also criticized the coalition bombing saying the no fly zone was meant to strengthen peace and that civilians should not be put at risk. just that everything that's happening in libya is a result of the shameful behavior of its government and the crimes against their own people we shouldn't forget that everything else is just
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a consequence of that we supported one of the un security council resolutions and allowed the other resolution to go through this was done consciously to prevent the escalation of violence but still the events that followed show that any decisions of this kind should be accompanied by thorough consultations as well as remembering that the use of force should be proportionate to what is happening the fact that as a result of these actions of ilion targets were damaged and according to unconfirmed reports that innocent people have died shows that states taking part in the military strikes have achieved that i hope that as a result of coordinated actions by the international community there will be peace on libyan soil and full measures will be taken to prevent the conflict from spreading into africa and other states. but russian prime minister vladimir putin says he's concerned by the number of civilian deaths in libya he believes foreign air forces have been too reckless in their actions. there is a civil war going on in libya the proposal of a no fly zone was aimed at preventing gadhafi from firing at his opponents and so
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protect civilians such a decision applied to a sovereign state is a difficult one but the aim was well intentioned but what are we seeing now that it is strikes on the entire territory of the country and how can it be aiming to protect civilians such means are chosing to civilian death toll actually rises. uni's u.s. defense secretary was in moscow this week calling on the russian leadership to think about joining the military campaign in libya although moscow abstained from voting on the u.n. resolution which led to the no fly zone enforcement route up getting involved in the coalition bombing robert gates assured prison event that major operations in libya would scale back within a few days it wasn't the only military issue which came up missile defense in europe was also discussed moscow wants an equal partnership in the project saying that any other option would be a threat to its own security its promise russia's concerns are being taken into account. by the way our extensive online coverage helps to bring you up to date
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with developments there in libya twenty four hours a day you can check out our regular updates from our correspondents there on the spot that's all on our twitter and facebook pages you'll also find all the latest videos on you tube channel. it's. a quarter of a million protesters took to the streets of london on saturday to voice over the government's plan to slash public spending the demonstration against eighteen billion pounds of cuts was britain's biggest there were hundreds of arrests as part
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of the rally turned violent in the windows of shops and banks were smashed and doused with paint the demonstrators argue the proposed measures will destroy essential services and tracked the ministers insist that necessary to reduce britain's whose deficit because outpouring of anger follows a week which saw similar intense protests in brussels as artie's daniel bushell reports. no more layoffs no to pay cuts no retirement the message from angry demonstrators pushed back with water cannon and pepper sprayed by riot police the protesters tried to get through to e.u. leaders meeting in brussels to slash spending this money was made. to be used for social security. to be used for health not drug the bank so when you are bringing the towards us to move to take ground because of the prison there
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goes across europe voters are saying no to more spirity measures portugal's prime minister quit of the poll but voted down a fresh round of cuts the country has three months left to repay almost ten billion euro at a time when its sovereign credit rating has been cut. only option left is national default to told the country called pay back its loans or accept an e.u. bailout similar to greece and ireland it hasn't happened in the west since the second world war but the longer you postpone this necessary evil. the more costly it is there's going to be at the same time military intervention in libya is costing hundreds of millions of euros many a furious what they see as an unnecessary and expensive campaign somebody asked the chancellor of the finance minister about the financing of this and i think the overwhelming sense that you got from among the public in britain with skepticism
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with millions unemployed across europe people losing patience with politicians who seem out of touch with reality increasingly familiar sights on the streets of the e.u. was government built tightly leaves growing numbers well to work the big question is now the right time to spend the money available on wars abroad don't you go short brussels. by the way you're far more news features and analysis on our website at r.t. dot com here's a taste of what's online at the moment for you a candidate for mayor causes outrage in the u.s. state of florida over his past as a former grand dragon of the true colors claimed. also that the web site one of most elegant sporting contest in the world glides over to moscow russia's capital takes over the hosting of the figure skating world championships earthquake stricken japan. two weeks after the disaster hit the country the fallout at the
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fukushima nuclear plant is still a concern the plant operator tepco has apologized for misreporting a huge radiation spike at the facility it said earlier claims the radiation in the water at reactor number two had sought to ten million times the normal level where a mistake well that news led to emergency. crews being immediately evacuated from the site penn's nuclear agency slam take over making a number of mistakes in dealing with the crisis for question as for reactors were damaged by the massive tsunami that hit the country earlier this month which led to concerns of a nuclear catastrophe the battle to restore the facilities cooling systems are seeing three workers being exposed to dangerous radiation levels at each other bennett spoke to a man who knows firsthand what the consequences of a meltdown could be. lease man has borne the scars of a nuclear disaster for most of his life as a resident of nagasaki your shiri i'm a walk he has had liver and kidney problems since he was thirty five and he's already beaten cancer twice every time he falls ill now he feels it could be his
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last battle you should know what she's events unfold at fukushima fearing the true nature of the disaster is yet to show itself so you are saying that the result of the contamination won't just end of the event it will be handed down from generation to generation and i have four daughters the first to have leukemia another has breast cancer the results of a disaster will be shown in generations to come. you should know was just eleven when the bomb was dropped he survived the blast but was exposed to lethal levels of radiation on his two trips to the hypocenter first to find his father then to bury him despite everything he's pro nuclear power but still thinks fleeing from fukushima is the wise thing to do for them that you got the i don't think the public or the government are overreacting in this situation i think people must
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take all precautionary measures they can to avoid the worst for the rest of the nygard psyche the stands today had to be built from scratch eleven square kilometers were juice to dust the cloud of its tragic past still hangs over the city its residents though know what it means to suffer and are willing to help those in need members of the international volunteer organization the lion's club here collecting for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami everyone's desperate to give with donations already ten times higher than normal. we have a custom something happens in our nation we call it the nation that would help each other especially the people and i guess i can be very very sensitive to atomic power so we are very worried about what happened. and we want to help more than money every way of turning like a sack it is a memorial to the seventy five thousand died when the target bomb was dropped here
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this one marks that exact moment now the city will forever serve as a reminder of the destructive potential of it being a power and those here are now praying that focus well wherever in the same way now go psyche's transformation has been remarkable ground zero is unrecognizable the city would escape any radiation from a meltdown at fukushima but there is a nuclear plant close by and the incident has left residents living in fear. of a thing. people from nagasaki and hiroshima are very sensitive to the incident. we've never experienced such a devastating nuclear accident before and i think everyone is now free this could happen again i wasn't afraid of nuclear accidents before but now because i can see it's not under control. this memorial represents the wall to crave by so many off the explosion the basins tranquility a far cry from the destruction wrought by the tsunami has done its damage this
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place reminds us the ripples from a radioactive disaster extends for generations often minutes. and a sucky. japan's government has publicly urged the plant operators to be more transparent and provide better information about what's going on it more quickly experts say it's not the first time the facts about nuclear incidents have been intentionally concealed every single case where there have been nuclear accidents in japan and in the united states in the soviet union. all the places that have had crises with nuclear power the initial response has been to lie and cover up the seriousness of the problem so i don't know why this one would be any different and i would put zero stock in what official reports are and how serious it is how much it's been released what the dangers are the i.a.e.a. has a long long record of being a basically
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a tool of the nuclear industry in all the countries that have nuclear power the i.a.e.a. has a major flaw which is that as an international body it basically answers to the government's. hold its purse strings and so it's very politically controlled organisation. time now to have a look at some other international news making headlines at this hour in our world update syrian activists nationwide unrest with tens of thousands marching across the country troops poured in the city of latakia to restore calm after twelve people were killed during demonstrations on saturday the government blames gangs for the bloodshed president to address the nation and lift an emergency law in place for almost fifty years. he says to me militants have been killed and another was injured by an israeli airstrike in gaza it happened a day after hamas said it would agree a ceasefire with israel if attacks on gaza were stopped. by increased violence with
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at least ten people including civilians and children killed by israeli attacks. by because the man widely considered to have won the country's disputed presidential elections has rejected the mediators chosen by the african union to steer the country away from civil war with tara said the candidate has personal links to come and leader laurent gbagbo statement comes after thousands of supporters rallied in the capital and one million people have fled the country since one of the last november's election. a u.s. soldier seeking political asylum in germany after dessert in an american military base but could be jailed for life if he's extradited back home with. what he misses most by living a life on the run. the american cuisine. for example of opec steakhouse it was a really good for me my personal favorite was the rollercoasters i can't play things already that even that comes close that but for andre chaperonage he's alive
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has become one giant roller coaster four years ago he deserted the u.s. army causing all the way to his native cleveland for rob that his mom cried with pride when he volunteered for the army but after a six month tour of duty in iraq andre walked talked a u.s. base in germany and never returned anything that anyone could possibly imagine in terms of war crimes that were committed throughout world history. the american forces have done this and are continuing to do this on a daily basis it's old and we're being attacked from somewhere but they didn't know where so they just shot off randomly a different direction after hiding out for more than a year andre shepherd so faced he married to german cicutto himself supports from a number of human rights organizations and is now officially seeking asylum tucked away on the border of germany and austria lake cames it has long been popular with
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holiday makers but now the ideal exports may also go down in history as the home of the post u.s. iraq war veteran granted political asylum to become this first is not going to be easy though germany is the main staging post for the u.s. military with around sixty thousand u.s. troops stationed there each year some of those soldiers go a while and get picked up by the police the pressure is very high on germany and i'm very often said in his speeches he's so sorry about that you know into putting so much pressure on the german government also he really loves this country so much andre will argue in court the war in iraq was a complete fraud but lawyers say he has little chance of winning the siegal war with the u.s. it's particularly. more difficult if it is
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a war such as the war in afghanistan for example that you will walk you wore where it was not a popular war and if we just started having dros so soldiers deciding on their own that they were no longer going to become a member of the united states military apparatus we have a problem and so there are very harsh penalties to life. including the possibility of their mainstream media in the so-called coalition countries are not in a hurry to give andrea say either the major corporations like the b.b.c. c.n.n. what would happen is that if i say anything that was controversial or would go against the government line it would be completely censored andras says he's ready for the battle of his life claiming there was no just a few cation for the war in iraq but he admits he's on a sleeper a slope exceeding aggression of r.t. but now i'm keen germany. twenty seven minutes past the hour here in the russian
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capital in just a few minutes from now we look at claims that major drug companies could actually be causing cancer but before that i'll be back with a recap of the top stories off today and of this week that's after a short break. there
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is not enough space for them on the ground. so dumb to. get things nonexistent under the sun. fill the gap of adrenaline. discover deeply hidden secrets. they are seeking to. find. and even. talking to god. from. under the ground to. wealthy british scientists something else that's not right that is trying to. have anything out of the. markets finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. the pavement to. leave to. come. in indonesia multis available in the ground giotto shirts a media hotel the ritz carlton hotel photo hotel new millennium hotel in china you can see censored. rocks hotel my car on the ground hotel mccomb the venetian marco resort hotel.


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